Torn / broken seam

from 12.00 €

The seamstress will repair a torn or opened seam seamlessly. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment. Repairing an open seam will also ensure a longer life for your garment as the stitching will leave the seam sturdier.

from 12.00 €

Torn Seam – Is it Time for a Repair?

Repairing a seam yourself can be very time-consuming and difficult for a novice, so you might be contemplating between tossing the garment, or sending it in for a repair. It is important to consider the ecological and economical benefits of repairing your clothing.

The fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the world, contributing to water and air pollution, as well as the depletion of natural resources. Repairing torn seams helps to extend the life of a garment and reduce the need for new production. Furthermore, new clothing can be expensive, especially if you are looking for high-quality items. By extending the life of your clothing, you’ll save money in the long run!

In addition to the ecological and economical benefits, repairing torn seams also allows you to keep your favorite clothing items in your wardrobe for a longer period of time. It can be emotionally challenging to part with clothing items that have sentimental value or that you have worn for many years, knowing it serves you well. Repairing a torn seam can give new life to a garment that you would otherwise have to replace, also saving you time from shopping.

While sending a garment for a professional repair is generally a good choice, there are certain situations when it may not be the best option. For example, if the tear is too large or if multiple seams are torn, it may be expensive to repair the garment effectively. If in doubt, consult our network of professionals by requesting a quote from the order page. With the right repair service, your clothing will look as good as new and you will be able to enjoy wearing it for many years to come.

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Tmi Tanja Ek Tmi Tanja Ek
Five stars

Korjaukset oli hyvin tehty ja olin tosi tyytyväinen!

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Tmi Tanja Ek Tmi Tanja Ek
Five stars

Todella siistiä jälkeä ja kaikki toiveet otettu huomioon. Kiitos!

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Tmi Tanja Ek Tmi Tanja Ek
Five stars

Todella siisti verhojen lyhennys jälleen kerran :) Kiitos.

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Tmi Tanja Ek Tmi Tanja Ek
Five stars

Tanja's skills are impeccable, there is no way to tell there was ever a tear there :)

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Tmi Tanja Ek Tmi Tanja Ek
Five stars

Huivissa olleen reiän korjaus oli niin laadukas, että piti pari minuuttia etsiä että missä se paikka edes on! Kiitos tuhannesti rakkaan huivin pelastamisesta <3

Feedback given to
Tmi Tanja Ek Tmi Tanja Ek
Five stars

thank you! It was nicely made :)

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