Because extending the life of garments should be easier

Menddie was born out of a desire to have positive impact on consumer behaviour - we believe it should be easier to maintain and repair clothes and accessories than to buy new ones.

We want to play our part in making it easier for consumers and businesses alike to choose a greener option.

Currently we operate in Finland and the UK, but we are looking to expand to other countries in the future.

Menddie values

The Menddie team

The Menddie team is a small and growing group of professionals who want to standardise care and repair services and make them accessible to everyone. We are an innovative bunch, and we believe that technology can help us build better services that also protect the environment.

Contact information

Menddie does not have a visiting address, but you can contact us by email or chat. Some of our service providers allow you to take your clothes directly to their stores for repair. You can find the contact details and opening hours of our service providers on their own pages and in your order confirmation.

What do you want to do?

We offer a wide range of tailoring and cobbler services from clothing care professionals across Finland.

Preliminary estimate

You will get an automatic estimate of the job price immediately.

The estimate is based on previous orders. The final quote may differ from the preliminary estimate.

Unfortunately, we cannot automatically estimate this job. Send a request for quote to receive a professional's quote.

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