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Seamless crotch patching

42.50 €

Depending on the size of the torn fabric, the seamstress will patch the hole or tear with a piece of fabric from the inside and stitch it on top. The result will be as seamless as possible. This will restore your trousers as close as possible to their original condition and the patching will ensure durability in the future. Extending the life of a garment is always worthwhile. The longer you wear a garment, the lower its environmental impact and carbon footprint.

42.50 €

Benefits of a professional crotch repair

It's easy to overlook the importance of proper care and maintenance for our clothes. One area that is often neglected is the crotch, which can become worn and tear over time due to regular wear and tear. This is an issue that is commonly seen in jeans, but it can occur in other types of pants as well. However, this is an area that can easily be repaired by a professional clothing repair service, and the benefits of doing so are well worth it.

One of the main benefits of sending your pants for a professional crotch repair is that the repair will be almost unnoticeable. A skilled worker will use high-quality thread and techniques that blend seamlessly with the existing fabric, resulting in a repair that is virtually invisible. This means that your pants will look as good as new, without any signs of wear or damage.

Another benefit of a professional crotch repair is that it will extend the life of your pants. Rather than having to replace your pants due to wear and tear, a professional repair can restore them to like-new condition, often for a fraction of the cost. This not only saves you money in the long run, but it also helps to reduce the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills.

In addition, a professional crotch repair will ensure that your pants fit better and are more comfortable to wear. When the crotch area becomes worn or frayed, it can cause the pants to bunch up or sag in that area, making them uncomfortable to wear. A professional repair will address these issues, resulting in a better fit and more comfortable wear.

In conclusion, sending your pants for a professional crotch repair is a smart and cost-effective way to keep your wardrobe in top condition. With almost unnoticeable repairs, a longer life for your pants, a better fit and comfort and cost-effectiveness, it is a valuable investment for your clothing. Don't hesitate to take advantage of professional clothes repair services for your pants and keep them looking and feeling great for years to come.

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Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Ompelutyö näyttää hyvältä, en ole vielä ehtinyt pitämään tai pesemään mekkoa, joten en tiedä, miten korjaus pitää.

Feedback given to
Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Olin enemmän kuin tyytyväinen korjauksiin! Oletin että tulee siistiä jälkeä, mutta housujen lyhennykset ylittivät odotukseni. Näyttävät aivan uusilta! Lisäksi työ oli nopeaa ja lähetys helppoa. Suosittelen lämpimästi!

Feedback given to
Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Todella upeaa työtä oli villatakkini kuluneiden kyynerpäiden korjaus. Siistit ja kauniit nahkapaikat. Suosittelen!

Feedback given to
Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Fid&Sam reduced four made-to-measure garments by two sizes to a great finishing standard. It is impossible to tell that they were altered! The service is on the pricey side but it was worth it. Additional communication about another garment was needed and handled in a very professional manner to reach a solution.

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Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Lähetin takin takuukorjaukseen vappuaattona ja takki tuli korjattuna takaisin jo viikon päästä, vaikka välissä vappu ja viikonloppu. Korjatut kohdat vaikuttavat pitäviltä ja siisteiltä. Voin suositella! 😊

Feedback given to
Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Takin vetoketjun vaihto kyseessä. Matkahuolto jumitti lähetystä pari päivää, siitäkin huolimatta homma hoitui nopeasti ja laadukkaasti. Helppo suositella kavereille ajopuvun korjaustarpeeseen.

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Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Korjaukset on tehty siististi ja ammattitaitoisesti.

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Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Takki oli hyvin korjattu ja voin taas käyttää. Työ tehtiin nopeasti. Takin toimitus oli helppo tehdä.

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Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Kiitokset hyvästä työstä!

Feedback given to
Fid&Sam Fid&Sam
Five stars

Tosi kiva juttu, kaikki toimi lähetyksineen/palautuksiin prikulleen. Plus tietty se, että itse palvelu toteutui eli collegemekkoni tuli korjattua ihsn uuden veroiseen kuntoonsa. Iso plussa siitä, että pakkausmatsku oli sama paketti missä mekon alunperin paikattavaksi lähetinkin👌

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