Zipper replacement
Our seamstress will replace the zipper with one as close as possible with the original.
Does the zipper of your favorite outdoor jacket need fixing? Or do your best suit pants need a little bit of tailoring?
Repair, maintain or customize your Luhta products easily through Menddie and give your clothes the extra time they deserve.
Luhta products are made to last: just choose whether you want to repair or patch your sportswear or customize your fashion creation. Then choose the service you want or make a request for a quote directly to the seamstress according to your needs.
Our seamstress will replace the zipper with one as close as possible with the original.
Is the fabric torn and you want to patch it as discreetly as possible? The tear will be mended as neatly as possible. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment. Water-resistant fabrics are repaired with water-resistant materials.
The seamstress will repair a torn or opened seam seamlessly. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment. Repairing an open seam will also ensure a longer life for your garment as the stitching will leave the seam sturdier. Waterproof seams are treated to maintain water-resistance.
Repair frayed or torn hems either by mending or sewing.
Attach new snaps or buttons, other small fixes on case-by-case basis.
The seamstress will shorten your trousers according to your wishes. When measuring the length you want, it's a good idea to take shoes and fit into account - so measure the length you want with shoes on and a belt on if necessary to get the best result. The hem will be repaired to match the original unless you have other wishes. If the trousers to be shortened are new, especially cotton trousers, you should wash them before shortening or leave some shrinkage.
The seamstress shortens the dress or skirt to the desired length, leaving the seam as it was originally. Let the seamstress know in the comments if you have any special requests. By shortening the hem according to your needs you will be more likely to wear and rewear your garment. You can also consider shortening the hem when you are altering the garment for a new style.
Is your trousers waist too big and need tightening for better fit? If trousers sit comfortably on your hips but leave too much space at the back, the seamstress can take in the needed part.
Todella hyvin korjattu! Ei huomaa edes muutosta alkuperäiseen.
Ompelimo Helka vaihtoi untuvatalvitakkiini uuden vetoketjun rikkinäisen tilalle. Työnjälki oli erinomainen ja yhteistyö muutoinkin täysin saumatonta. Takin taskuun oli jätettynä myös kiva kiitoslappu joka sai hymyn kasvoille. Voin lämpimästi suositella Ompelimo Helkan palvelua.
Korjaus onnistunut mallikkaasti ja toiminta kaikin puolin helppoa ja hyvää.
Olkapää sauma 👍
Erinomainen työnjälki ja nopea korjaus! Olen todella tyytyväinen.
Ompelimo Helka teki laadukkaan korjauksen silkkihousuihini. Olen todella tyytyväinen työn laatuun ja iloinen siitä, että saan lempihousut taas käyttööni.
Kiitos taitavasta vetoketjun vaihdosta ❤️
Kiitos Ompelimo Helka loistavasta palvelusta! Koko hajonnut sauma oli korjattu taidokkaasti. Paketin mukana tuli ihana käsinkirjoitettu lappu, jossa kerrottiin mitä tuotteelle oli tehty. Isot kiitokset!
Jälki on moitteetonta, korjausompelu suoritettu kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunutkaan! Täydellistä!
Erittäin laadukkaasti toteutettu miesten kauluspaita kierrätyskankaasta. Suosittelen!
Browse for the service you need, or get an offer for your individual needs from our network of service providers.
Pack your items and bring them to your nearest delivery point.
The items are repaired by the service provider and are returned to the delivery point.