Jacket zipper replacement
If the zipper tooth is broken, the seamstress will dismantle the entire zipper and replace it with a new one. The price includes a new zipper
Do you want to keep your favorite garment for a long time? Repair or customize it with our repair service!
Choose a repair below, pack the garment and send it to a seamstress specializing in Halti products. The repaired garment will be returned to the delivery point you choose in as little as seven days. This is an easy and hassle-free way to extend the life of your garment.
Didn't find a suitable service below? Ask the seamstress for a quote!
If the zipper tooth is broken, the seamstress will dismantle the entire zipper and replace it with a new one. The price includes a new zipper
If the zipper tooth is broken, the seamstress will dismantle the entire zipper and replace it with a new one. The price includes a new zipper
Has the button or buttons come loose and you want a new one or new buttons to replace them? Or want to move the buttons? A seamstress will find a matching or suitable button and get your garment back in use. Please note to provide any special requests in the comments.
Is the fabric torn and you want to patch it as discreetly as possible? The seamstress will mend the torn as seamlessly as possible and get your garment back to use. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment.
Are the sleeves of your garment too long? Our seamstresses will mend the sleeves according to your wishes.
Are the legs of outdoor trousers worn or frayed? Our seamstress will either repair or patch the leg so that you can rewear your trousers again.
Repair or replacement of the tightening strap. Choose a product from the menu (trouser cuff, waist, hood)
The seamstress will repair a torn or opened seam seamlessly. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment. Repairing an open seam will also ensure a longer life for your garment as the stitching will leave the seam sturdier.
If your outdoor gear has a broken or damaged inner lining, seamstress will repair it seamlessly. Select the right garment type from the menu.
Water and dirt rebellent treatment
Does you winter jacket need care before or after winter season? The service include care and cleaning of your jacket. It will be like new again.
Is the fabric of your favorite backpack or rucksack torn and in need of repair? The service includes repair of the tear by stitching or gluing, depending on the location of the tear.
Is the zipper on your backpack or rucksack broken and you want to replace it? Choose whether it is a short zipper (pockets) or a longer zipper, the price is determined by your choice.
If the buckle or pin lock on your backpack or rucksack is broken and needs to be replaced, our cobbler will replace both sides of the lock.
Todella hyvin korjattu! Ei huomaa edes muutosta alkuperäiseen.
Kiitos hyvästä palvelusta!
Hyvin korjattu.
Ompelimo Helka vaihtoi untuvatalvitakkiini uuden vetoketjun rikkinäisen tilalle. Työnjälki oli erinomainen ja yhteistyö muutoinkin täysin saumatonta. Takin taskuun oli jätettynä myös kiva kiitoslappu joka sai hymyn kasvoille. Voin lämpimästi suositella Ompelimo Helkan palvelua.
Erittäin nopea ja ystävällinen palvelu. Ompelujälki erinomaista! Palvelu kokonaisuudessaan oli tosi helppo ja kuluttajaystävällinen.
Ompelutyö näyttää hyvältä, en ole vielä ehtinyt pitämään tai pesemään mekkoa, joten en tiedä, miten korjaus pitää.
Korjaus onnistunut mallikkaasti ja toiminta kaikin puolin helppoa ja hyvää.
Olkapää sauma 👍
Erinomainen työnjälki ja nopea korjaus! Olen todella tyytyväinen.
Ompelimo Helka teki laadukkaan korjauksen silkkihousuihini. Olen todella tyytyväinen työn laatuun ja iloinen siitä, että saan lempihousut taas käyttööni.
Browse for the service you need, or get an offer for your individual needs from our network of service providers.
Pack your items and bring them to your nearest delivery point.
The items are repaired by the service provider and are returned to the delivery point.