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Seamless patching / mending

from 25.00 €

Is the fabric torn and you want to patch it as discreetly as possible? The seamstress will mend the torn as seamlessly as possible and get your garment back to use. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment.

from 25.00 €

Repairing Torn Garments: Why You Should Consider Professional Help

Repairing a torn garment can be a challenging task, especially if you're not familiar with tailoring techniques. While it may be tempting to attempt a repair at home, it's often better to consider professional help. A professional has the training, experience, and tools to repair your garment to a high standard, saving you time and money in the long run.

One of the key advantages of professional repairs is the quality of the repair. A professional can match the thread and fabric to make the repair as seamless as possible, and they know the techniques to reinforce the tear to prevent it from happening again. This means that a professional repair will last longer than a home repair and look better, giving your garment a longer lifespan.

Another advantage of professional repairs is the preservation of the garment's integrity. Some garments are delicate and require special care, and a professional will know how to handle these garments and take steps to preserve their integrity during the repair process. This ensures that your garment retains its original appearance and quality even after a repair. This is especially true for fabrics like silk or chiffon. These types of fabrics tend to unravel or tear further when sewn, and require special techniques and tools that may not be available at home. A professional has the expertise and tools to handle these types of repairs, ensuring that the final result is seamless and long-lasting.

In conclusion, while attempting a repair at home may seem like a good idea, it's often better to send your torn garment to a professional. They have the skills, experience, and tools to complete the repair to a high standard, and they can help you save time and money in the long run. Your clothes will thank you when you repair them through Menddie!

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Todella hyvin korjattu! Ei huomaa edes muutosta alkuperäiseen.

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Ompelimo Helka vaihtoi untuvatalvitakkiini uuden vetoketjun rikkinäisen tilalle. Työnjälki oli erinomainen ja yhteistyö muutoinkin täysin saumatonta. Takin taskuun oli jätettynä myös kiva kiitoslappu joka sai hymyn kasvoille. Voin lämpimästi suositella Ompelimo Helkan palvelua.

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Korjaus onnistunut mallikkaasti ja toiminta kaikin puolin helppoa ja hyvää.

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Olkapää sauma 👍

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Erinomainen työnjälki ja nopea korjaus! Olen todella tyytyväinen.

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Ompelimo Helka teki laadukkaan korjauksen silkkihousuihini. Olen todella tyytyväinen työn laatuun ja iloinen siitä, että saan lempihousut taas käyttööni.

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Kiitos taitavasta vetoketjun vaihdosta ❤️

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Kiitos Ompelimo Helka loistavasta palvelusta! Koko hajonnut sauma oli korjattu taidokkaasti. Paketin mukana tuli ihana käsinkirjoitettu lappu, jossa kerrottiin mitä tuotteelle oli tehty. Isot kiitokset!

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Jälki on moitteetonta, korjausompelu suoritettu kuin mitään ei olisi tapahtunutkaan! Täydellistä!

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Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Erittäin laadukkaasti toteutettu miesten kauluspaita kierrätyskankaasta. Suosittelen!

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