Do you want to enjoy your favorite garment for a long time? Take advantage of our repair service and make it just right for you!

Choose the repair service you want, pack your clothes, and send them to a tailor specializing in Nanso products. After the repair, your clothes will be returned to the pick-up point of your choice within seven days. This is a simple and effortless way to extend the life of your garment.

Didn't find a service that suits your needs on the list? Request a quote from the tailor!

Choose repair

Trouser shortening

The seamstress will shorten your trousers according to your wishes. When measuring the length you want, it's a good idea to take shoes and fit into account - so measure the length you want with shoes on and a belt on if necessary to get the best result. The hem will be repaired to match the original unless you have other wishes. If the trousers to be shortened are new, especially cotton trousers, you should wash them before shortening or leave some shrinkage.

from 30.35 €

Dress or skirt shortening

The seamstress shortens the dress or skirt to the desired length, leaving the seam as it was originally. Let the seamstress know in the comments if you have any special requests. By shortening the hem according to your needs you will be more likely to wear and rewear your garment. You can also consider shortening the hem when you are altering the garment for a new style.

from 44.55 €

Shortening of sleeves/legs

Do the sleeves of your jacket or the legs of your trousers need shortening? Our seamstresses will tailor your garment to your wishes.

from 38.45 €

Torn / broken seam

The seamstress will repair a torn or opened seam seamlessly. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment. Repairing an open seam will also ensure a longer life for your garment as the stitching will leave the seam sturdier.

from 20.25 €

Seamless patching / mending

Is the fabric torn and you want to patch it as discreetly as possible? The seamstress will mend the torn as seamlessly as possible and get your garment back to use. The thread chosen for the repair is as close as possible to the colour of your garment.

from 35.40 €

Button reattachment

The button has come loose and you want to sew it back on in the same or a slightly different place. Or if you have buttons you want to replace. Be sure to send the buttons you want to the seamstress.

from 8.10 €

Sweater fresh up

Is your sweater slightly worn out and needs care? Service includes care and cleaning of your sweater.

from 35.40 €

Winter jacket care

Does you winter jacket need care before or after winter season? The service include care and cleaning of your jacket. It will be like new again.

from 121.45 €

Open repair request

You can leave an open request for a quote to the tailor if you did not find a suitable repair from the menu or if you have any questions about the repair of the garment.

Preliminary estimate

You will get an automatic estimate of the job price immediately.

The estimate is based on previous orders. The final quote may differ from the preliminary estimate.

Unfortunately, we cannot automatically estimate this job. Send a request for quote to receive a professional's quote.

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Kiitos. Uudenveroinen 🩷

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Ensiluokkainen vetskarin vaihto.

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää
Five stars

Kainalopaikka oli taiten korjattu, vanha neule pääsi arvoiseensa käyttöön jälleen. Kiitos!

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Todella siisti taskun vetoketjun korjaus!

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää
Five stars

Farkkujen haarojen reikä oli paikattu todella siististi. Lisäksi ompelija oli vahvistanut muitakin kuluneita kohtia haaroista kuin varsinaisen reiän. Suosittelen lämpimästi!

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Todella hyvin korjattu! Ei huomaa edes muutosta alkuperäiseen.

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää
Five stars

Kiitos hyvästä palvelusta!

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää
Five stars

Hyvin korjattu.

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Helka Ompelimo Helka
Five stars

Ompelimo Helka vaihtoi untuvatalvitakkiini uuden vetoketjun rikkinäisen tilalle. Työnjälki oli erinomainen ja yhteistyö muutoinkin täysin saumatonta. Takin taskuun oli jätettynä myös kiva kiitoslappu joka sai hymyn kasvoille. Voin lämpimästi suositella Ompelimo Helkan palvelua.

Feedback given to
Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää Ompelimo Anne Lamminpää
Five stars

Erittäin nopea ja ystävällinen palvelu. Ompelujälki erinomaista! Palvelu kokonaisuudessaan oli tosi helppo ja kuluttajaystävällinen.

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How does the service work?


Request an estimate

Request an estimate for the work you need from dozens of our service providers. You will typically receive a response within one business day.


Send the package

After receiving the estimate via email, order the service easily online and take the garment in a package to the nearest delivery point or directly to the tailor.


Enjoy the result

The ordered work will be carried out in the tailor shop, after which your garment will be returned to the delivery point and you can enjoy your garment!

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